Playing a hunch isn’t something one expects from an IT consultant, especially one who works for a market research company that can afford scientific surveys. But consultants — like reporters — sometimes get a sense of what’s happening in the world by talking to people.
In his regular blog, Gartner’s Mark McDonald describes his recent impression from talking to CIOs that there’s been an increase in disatisfaction with service providers — and not just any SPs but Tier 1s. In particular they complain about “less than expected performance, deteriorating skills, inflexibility, non-responsiveness, and increasing costs.”
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(Network image from Shutterstock)
McDonald acknowledges that constant change is an environment IT administrators have to live in. But he asks that contrasts with the stability service providers are expected to deliver. SPs need to adapt, but at what price?
In Canada, this can be a significant problem where the number of Tier 1 service providers are fewer than, say, the United States.
It’s a thought-provoking read. Meanwhile, let us know if you’re unhappy with a major service provider and why.