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The Jupiter Content Management Conference & Expo

Implementing a content management solution can bring great benefits to a company, from making its Web site easier to manage, to finding new ways to monetize existing content. At the same time, these initiatives can be costly, risky undertakings. Find out how to maximize the benefit and minimize the cost and risk. The Jupiter Content Management Conference & Expo will feature in-depth strategy sessions and presentations led by industry experts. The exhibition hall will highlight products and service vendors and give you the information you need to evaluate implementation options. Get the competitive insight into how content management can be used cost effectively to optimize information.

Contact: registration@jupitermedia.com or (203) 662-2857

URL: http://www.jupiterevents.com

Santa Clara, Calif.

March 17 – 18

The Yankee Group presents: The Integration Technologies Forum

More than ever, corporate North America is asking its enterprise IT managers to do more with less. Faced with budget constraints, increased regulatory pressure and a rapidly changing technology landscape, IT managers must continue to deliver incremental business value. The Yankee Group’s Integration Technologies Forum will show IT managers how to produce definable business results, with only small incremental investment, in application integration, application servers, Web services, and adaptive infrastructure.

URL: http://www.yankeegroup.com

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