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U.S. election will impact IT budgets and staffing

A majority of IT decision makers expect the outcome of the 2008 presidential election to change their outlook on budgets and staffing, recent survey results reveal.

The CDW IT Monitor online survey of 1,000 IT decision makers showed that 43 per cent anticipate that the election results will affect company IT decisions. Thirty-six per cent said who is voted into office will impact department budget decisions, and 28 per cent said the next U.S. president will have an effect on staffing and outsourcing decisions.

“During this uncertain economy, IT decision makers have remained hesitant for the past six months with regard to their level of confidence in the marketplace,” said CDW Vice President Mark Gambill in a company press release. “It’s clear that the upcoming presidential election is an important variable in how the industry moves forward with budgets, staffing and purchasing decisions.”

Of those who believe the election will impact IT decisions, more than 80 per cent of respondents said overall department budgets would be most affected. Sixty-four per cent said staffing and outsourcing decisions could be affected by the country’s choice of president. Forty-five per cent said hardware purchasing would be taken into consideration, and 40 per cent said software buying decisions could be affected.

When it comes to which candidate IT decision makers trust more to handle issues of special concern to IT professionals, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama tied. Each presidential nominee garnered 28 per cent of the vote in this survey.

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