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Start work early, leave late: time well spent?

Workers in Canada’s small and medium-sized companies are clocking in earlier and punching out later these days, but it is not necessarily time well spent, according to a recent survey.

Xerox Canada and Environics Research Group polled 250 small and medium-sized business managers about the length of their work days.

The study revealed that 51 per cent of Canadian workers spend more than nine hours at work each day.

However, 65 per cent are only productive for about half that time.

Compared with those working for large corporations, the study found that employees of small and medium businesses are more likely to put in longer hours, given the challenges of staffing and overhead.

While the survey results indicate that productivity levels have dropped, three-quarters of respondents said they still feel that they have a healthy balance between work and personal life, and that work does not prevent them from enjoying hobbies or spending time with family and friends.

Other survey findings included:

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