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Skimming the cream – Banks face losing direct customer relationship on the mobile channel

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Just a decade ago, bankers may have scoffed at the notion they’d be in competition with the likes of Starbucks and Canadian Tire.

But just a few years and one mobile technology revolution later and there’s growing consensus that banking stands to be disrupted by new players interested in enabling financial transactions. Retail and technology brands are catching on that the mobile channel is an important place to own the customer relationship. That’s what I discussed today in my presentation at the Bank IT conference in Toronto.

I outlined some aspects of my presentation in a couple of other articles recently. You can read about how banks are working to meet the mobile challenge by partnering with solution providers like Enstream, see a comparison of mobile banking apps on iOS and Android, or read about how banking executives feel about their IT readiness to compete on the mobile channel.

Check out my SlideShare of the presentation below. I’d be keen on hearing your thoughts in the comments below, or get me at @brianjjackson on Twitter.

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