Site icon IT World Canada offers developers a sandbox Inc. is giving its customers an oft-requested new toy: a sandbox.’s forthcoming next version, Winter ’06, will introduce the Salesforce Sandbox, a service that enables customers to replicate their existing deployments to create a test environment for trying out new customizations and developing add-on applications. With one click, customers will be able to launch a Sandbox system containing a complete copy of their organization’s production database. The company announced the service on Monday. intends to charge customers for the feature, which is available only to users of its more expensive Enterprise Edition. Pricing is set at US$25 per month per user for a full Sandbox populated with the customer’s enterprise data, or $18 per month per user for a configuration-only version without data. hopes the Sandbox offering will encourage customers to test out offerings from its new AppExchange network, also scheduled to go live in its Winter ’06 edition. AppExchange, introduced in September at’s annual user conferences, allows outside ISVs (independent software vendors) to offer their wares as tightly integrated add-ons. intends the network to give its customers fuller enterprise applications functionality than it offers directly through its sales- and service-focused system.

San Francisco, Calif.-based is scheduled to release its Winter ’06 edition in January.

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