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The continuing development by Canadian government’s at all levels in creating and implementing governmental program policy and service initiatives is the focus of InterGovWorld’s current news coverage of all types of government program and service policy.

InterGov World is your best possible resource on the Web for the Canadian government’s nature, vision and goals of service or program implementation policies and the municipal/regional, provincial, federal government’s program and service policy decisions, including international governments. provides the leading and most authoritative coverage and reporting of the nature, vision and goals of service or program implementation policies and service transformation from the government of Canada, and international governments on the Web. creates leading and authoritative original news content and aggregated content about Canada’s governmental initiatives from anywhere on the Web.

A key area of focus for the InterGovWorld web site is the development of government implementation of program and service policy for Canadian government, or international governments’ managers to share. To encourage information sharing among government managers, our coverage is organized for your ease of use, according to every Canadian government program or service type.

Program types include the formal policies of all three levels of government: municipal-regional, provincial, federal and international. Program coverage is continuously updated, 24/7, and categorized by Public Programs, and Provider Programs advising and influencing Canadian government decision-making. sub-categorizes relevant and important content by governmental policy areas of expertise that are focused on Canada, including the following:

– Public Programs links to and provides information on all services with policy goals, whose outputs meet public needs (GSRM, MRM) of the municipal/regional, provincial and federal levels of government.

– Provider Programs links to and provides information on all services whose outputs meet internal government needs (GSRM, MRM, etc.) of the municipal/regional, provincial and federal levels of government.

InterGovWorld is committed to keeping those who manage governments informed and up to date on the latest developments in how effective and efficient government can be delivered to any community, by sharing the information across Canada.

To view a complete managing government news index. Please click on InterGovWorld, news for more detailed articles on managing the administration of Canada’s Governments and their policy development process.

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