Procure some digital transformation tips from the September 2018 Municipal Interface

Municipal Interface is celebrating a milestone, and would love for you to join in.

The September 2018 issue, released Thursday, marks the first anniversary of the municipal government IT journal’s ITWC-led digital revival, a procurement-themed cornucopia of transformative tips and tricks for cities and their partners.

Among the Municipal Information Systems Association (MISA)/ASIM Canada member-written features we’re proud to share: Former Peel Region IT director Roy Wiseman offers his thoughts on witnessing the IT industry change over 50 years; open procurement veteran Joel Duffield shares his guide for building the perfect Request For Proposal (RFP); and City of Montreal CIO Sylvain Perras explains why cities should embrace open source platforms.

Meanwhile, yours truly has contributed an exclusive feature about the five MISA Ontario 2018 Excellence in Municipal Systems award winners: the City of Toronto’s automated parking ticket payment platform and construction project tracking portal; The Town of Innisfil’s digital municipal project monitoring solution; the City of Mississauga’s Virtual Campus; and the City of Cambridge’s waste disposal platform.

I’m also indebted to our new editorial staff members, Shruti Shekar and Meagan Simpson, who spun excellent stories from the notes I collected at June’s MISA Ontario conference about managing your IT team and the importance of incorporating data privacy into smart city projects.

From modest proposal to shameless plea

We’re happy to report that after hearing our shameless plea for contributions when we published the preceding issue in June, MISA members stepped up to the plate, and they have our sincerest thanks, along with another shameless plea to keep ’em coming. Send your smart city-related pitches or stories to If you need help writing ’em, we’re happy to provide it!

Or at least, ITWC and editorial director Brian Jackson, who will shepherd the December 2018 issue, will be. After five issues of Municipal Interface and nearly three years with ITWC, the September 2018 issue is my last project for the company as an employee.

It’s been a pleasure – as I explain in my farewell column, municipal politics have been my favourite subject of the many topics I’ve covered in my journalism career, and the many writers and readers who have contributed to Municipal Interface were a big part of that.

You can read the September 2018 issue of Municipal Interface here.

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Eric Emin Wood
Eric Emin Wood
Former IT World Canada associate editor turned consultant with public relations firm Porter Novelli. When not writing for the tech industry enjoys photography, movies, travelling, the Oxford comma, and will talk your ear off about animation if you give him an opening.

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