Visual computing technology firm Nvidia Corp. says its staying the course on building ARM-based processors for Windows RT tablets, but says Microsoft needs to back up its mobile operating systems with more applications.

However, Haas said, Mincorsoft should boost the 65,000 apps now available for Windows RT in the Windows Store.
The faster applications are built for Windows RT, the better it will be for the OS, he said.
Only 200,000 units of Windows RT tablets and Microsoft’ sSurface devices shipped in the first quarter of 2013. That numbers makes up for 0.4 per cent of the 49.2 million tablets powered by all platforms that were shipped for that period, according to analyst firms IDC.
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Some analysts have also said that Microsoft’s stratgey of releasing the Winodws 8 OS for X86-based tablets and RT for ARM tablets has “confused” consumers. Some analyst have suggested that Microsoft should discontinue RT.
Hass, however said he was not discouraged by these numbers.He said the transition from PC to mobile device computing is still at a very early stage.
Some of the factors going for Winodws RT devices, according to Haas, is that they are very thin and have a very long battery life. He sees a growing opportunity for RT devices-powered by ARM processors.