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No killer app for IP telephony

Observers of the IP telephony market should not expect to see a single application drive the future growth of the burgeoning technology; instead, a series of smaller, intensely popular apps will be the true growth catalyst.

That was one point driven home by Don Proctor, vice-president and general manager of Cisco Systems Inc.’s Voice Technology Group, at the company’s second annual Innovation Through Convergence (ITC) Expo held in Santa Clara, Calif. Delivering the event’s keynote speech, Proctor said the IP telephony market will not see something like Lotus’s popular 1-2-3 program rocket it to ubiquity in the enterprise.

“Don’t expect a killer app for IP telephony, but several very lethal ones, usually centred around vertical markets,” Proctor told an audience of about 300 attendees.

The point of Cisco’s conference was to showcase some of those applications.

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