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Net Optics chassis can hold 24 taps

With network speeds increasing, organizations need more ways of keeping tabs on what’s going on.

Net Optics Inc.’s solution is a high-density 1U rack that can hold up to 24 network taps ranging from 1Gbps to 100 Gbps with either standard or NTP ports for high performance networks.

Called the Flex Tap, the modular device can grow with an organization’s need, said Daniel Aharon, the company’s senior director of product management.

Physically, the Flex Tap has two dozen slots for long, narrow taps that can be slid into the chassis.

Each tap has two front-facing monitor ports for bidirectional connectivity to an analyzer, and four ports for bidirectional connection to two network devices.

The edges of the taps are colour-coded by speed so administrators can see how many devices are in each chassis. They can be mixed in any combination of 1, 10, 40 and 100 GB taps.

If all slots are filled with 100 GB taps, the total throughput is 2.4 Tbps.

The chassis needs no power, nor an IP address. There are multimode and single mode models.

Target buyers are banks and financial brokerages, large enterprises, telcos and service providers, Aharon said.

While the initial version comes with standard ports, taps with NTP connectors will be added soon.

A flexible tap system should help administrators of large networks provision their networks without wasting data centre space, Aharon said.


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