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Move from reactive transformation to rolling on all cylinders

The idea of “digital transformation” (DX) is exciting, and a must at a time of hyperchange and hypercompetition. But this dash into the brave world of tomorrow is not without its hazards. Many, in fact, would say DX is a danger to organizations.

From a strictly technological perspective, there might be something to this seemingly alarmist notion. After all, the more applications, processes, and data move into the digital realm, the higher the probability that hackers will strike. And of course there is always the chance they will move laterally through a company’s network as soon as they gain access to one system.

And so a corporate network is only as secure as its weakest point. Add to this the siloing that exists in most companies, which means sketchy visibility, and suddenly the vast, open ocean of DX possibilities begins to look like a shark-infested pool.

Where does your company stand when it comes to transformation and security? Are both well in hand, in harmony? Or have you yet to find a way to innovate and transform without exposing your network to attack?

According to recent research from IBV, within the next few years 95 per cent of internally developed apps will have been deployed in the cloud, and 55 per cent of newly developed apps will have been designed as cloud native. Another prediction has 80 percent of enterprise workloads shifting to cloud by 2025.

Now is the best time to resolve any issues around DX, cloud, and cybersecurity.

More often than not, companies work in a hybrid cloud environment, and are driven by a need to increase both velocity and efficiency. It’s a tough enough thing to pull off, even apart from companies’ need to securely store and process data to make smart, data-driven business decisions.

It’a a tall order but, as many enterprises are proving, it’s very doable. You can have both the benefits of cloud and data sovereignty as an enterprise-grade architecture.

Interested? If so you’ll want to join ITWC CIO Jim Love and guest experts from BMC, AWS, and VoiceFoundry for “Accelerating Your Digital Journey.” In this webinar, Love and his guests will discuss how to move away from reactive toward full-on transformation. In this session, Love’s guests will be sharing their DX challenges and successes, and will look at how BMC and AWS are powering the DX journeys of companies around the world.

Yes, I want to sit in on this conversation!

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