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More arrests in Sony hacking case

U.S. law enforcement authorities have arrested another alleged LulzSec member, according to this article by the CBC. The hacker group is accused of breaking in to Sony Pictures Entertainment last year and leaking the personal details of thousands of people. According to the article, this particular attack did not target credit card information.
[RELATED: Hackers publish massive credential list]
I remember one of the 2012 predictions we saw from several security experts was that we’d see a rise in “for-profit” hacking as opposed to so-scalled “hacktivism.” The problem is that it’s often hard to know where to draw the line. If a hacker leaks confidential information, regardless of whether it includes actual credit card numbers, it can certainly benefit criminals who can use it for the purposes of identity theft. LulzSec may not be organized crime in the traditional sense, but they certainly can be an enabler of criminal activitity.
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