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JCache misses critical deadline

Oracle Corp. has made tremendous progress on its development of JCache, but programmers will not be seeing the Java standard caching application programming interface (API) on the soon to be released Java Enterprise Edition 7.

In an official blog post by Oracle’s Reza Rahman, yesterday, the company indicated that JCache may instead appear on Java EE8.

“We are very sad to report that JCache missed some critical deadline and will not make it on time for Java EE 7,” the post read. “…However, the consensus on both the Java EE 7 and JCache Egs was that it is best to not hold up Java EE7 any further.”

Rahman went on to remind programmers that Java EE 7 has “a ton of other great stuff” including WebSocket, JMS 2, JAX-RS 2, JSON-P, Java Batch, and EE Currency.


Oracle struggling to meet Java EE 7 date
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“JCache is fully expected to move forward independent of Java EE 7 and be an excellent candidate for Java EE 8,” Rahman said.

Last year, it was reported that Oracle was also struggling to meet Java EE 7 deadlines which Oracle had promised to roll out in the spring this year. The company said it will meet the spring launch date but Java EE 7 will be without support for cloud technologies such as platform-as-a-service and multilatency.


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