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Here’s where you’ll find a collection of reader feedback, where you’ve taken your turn to weigh in with comments, ideas, opinions, questions and concerns.

A whole new (biometrics) world

“9/11 has taken our world to a whole new level: a level where security is always in doubt and privacy always a concern. So how long will all this continue; is there an end to it or how farther will we go to be certainly sure that we are completely secured? … more

Canada under attack for ‘soft’ copyright laws

“The U.S., home of the Mickey Mouse Copyright non-expiry, is so far out of touch with regard to copyright that every country should stand up to them… more

Citizen satisfaction with government Web sites dips

“I have to tell you that the has been very helpful out of the federal and state site I have used for school and jobs. The FirstGov site has the best search I have found on the Web… more

Climate for change: Ten ways to greener highways

“I believe a carbon tax is a means to reduce emissions with appropriate regulation and incentives. An option for revenues from carbon taxes is to shift taxes from earnings (personal and corporate) to taxing energy… more

Consumer groups push for net neutrality rules

“Companies like Verizon simply saying they support Internet neutrality principles isn’t enough. The U.S. needs a high speed, open Internet. That can’t be left to the whims of the broadband providers… more

Cyberterrorism threat to public sector IT

“As the internet develops toward a 3-D virtual environment such as Second Life, many of these cyber terrorism concerns are likely to transfer to virtual environments… more

Facebook ban a knee-jerk reaction, say experts

“Without getting into the old argument of, ‘What is the value of social activities in the workplace?’ it’s more pertinent to deal with the reality of today’s challenges and responsibilities… more

Hactivism attacks could rise, warns security expert

“NANOG meets three times a year and grew directly out of the NSF Regional Techs meeting in the early days on government-funded Internet … more

Laptop security: insure, recover or delete?

“I disagree with the assumption that the asset depreciates over time; it actually appreciates with the accumulation of data on the machine over time… more

Math for the masses: managing infrastructure assets

“These can be posed as geometrical problems … more

MySpace agrees to give up sex offender data

“So the famed is going to eradicate all sex offenders from their site? Perhaps they are unaware that the Internet is world-wide. Or that anyone can obtain an e-mail address with false information… more

Here’s where you’ll find a collection of reader feedback, where you’ve taken your turn to weigh in with comments, ideas, opinions, questions and concerns.

Net savvy Canadians not put off by online risks

“It is ironic that CAAST speaks as if they are concerned with the security of our computers. Possibly among of the greatest computer security threats are attempts by government-supported third parties to gain or retain remote control over our computers… more

Ontario test-drives new brand of democracy

“New Zealand went through the MMP process a number of years ago and I was a strong campaigner for it at the time. MMP seemed to be a more fair system and many of us believed it would give us more control over our politicians…. more

Revenue Minister Skelton lambasted

“As an IT professional of 25 years, it just floors me. Tax payers put billions of dollars into our government’s coffers and this is the level of effort we get in return. What an insult… more

Saskatchewan embraces telehealth

“Excellent, sensible and innovative way to maximize limited resources to improve service reach and customer convenience through technology … more

Schwarzenegger scraps California RFID security measure

“We need to engage in a letter-and-phone-call blitz to the Governor’s offices to let him know that we are displeased with his veto… more

Smartcard providers poised for rollouts

“Why not have a smart card that can read the owner’s fingerprints to verify that the user is the owner… more

The hazards of GPS tracking

“I enjoy GPS for geocaching … There have got be other programs downloadable to have more fun as well, but not for tracking persons just to keep tabs on them … more

Top UK officials doubt national ID card plan

“These details show why proposed biometric ID cards will make bad problems worse and so should not be implemented at any cost… more

Two Canadian communities among seven most intelligent in the world

“The world is in desperate need of intelligent and pure of heart organizations to cut through the mounting ‘evil’ of purely dollar driven enterprise in the global marketplace… more

U.S. lawmakers try to restrict usage of Social Security numbers

“We ought to start by getting the VA to quit using SSN’s… more

U.S. officials: Information sharing key to security

“DHS now needs to communicate more directly with Infragard. HSP3 information needs to be offered directly to Infragard members through the FBI… more

Virginia shooting signals need for pervasive alert system

“Universities use a circling the wagons strategy when it comes to campus safety. The focus is on protection of students from violence or crime originating outside the campus community. The inherent vulnerability in this approach is the Insider Threat… more

Vista to benefit partners more than Microsoft

“Exactly how much is IDC paid to publish these ‘reports?’ If Microsoft spent near as much time on their technology as they do all the marketing bs, Vista wouldn’t be such a dog… more

VoIP market in Canada to be deregulated by Feds

“I agree that telecommunication [should] be completely deregulated in Canada. [The] Canadian consumer is suffering from monopolistic cartels… more

Workplace security: Eight dangerous technologies

“If companies want to take IM out of businesses, they should offer use of a PC with no connections to their company in a lunch room or such … more

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