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IBM creates global security services division

Looking to offer a broader suite of services to companies and the government, IBM Corp. Monday announced the formation of a new division that will focus on security, safety and privacy.

The IBM Global Services safety and security practice brings together over 3,000 current IBM consultants who work in safety and security, as well as 100 researchers, said Rusine Mitchell-Sinclair, the newly appointed general manager of the practice. The new division will offer intrusion detection, biometrics, vulnerability assessment and other security offerings, the company said in a statement. IBM’s services division already offers customers security and privacy assessments, planning and design, and implementation and management services.

The creation of a new practice within IBM’s services division was necessary because the company’s customers are beginning to view security, safety and privacy as enterprisewide issues now, not just a matter to be dealt with in discreet areas, Mitchell-Sinclair said.

Along with the new service practice, the company also announced the creation of a corporate-level office to oversee the new security services, the office of Global Security Solutions. The new office will be headed by IBM veteran Elizabeth Primrose-Smith. Primrose-Smith previously led IBM’s work with the Olympic Games.

Lastly, IBM also announced a new security and e-business partnership with Kroll Inc. The partnership will see the companies providing a security protection package including physical and computer security assessments as well as long range plans to prevent intrusions and espionage, IBM said.

IBM, in Armonk, N.Y., is at

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