When organizations have some critical, mega data crunching tasks on their laps, high-performance computers are typically their weapon of choice.
Supercomputers are well known for turning over computing intensive assignments on very tight schedules, but now on-demand private clouds are extending their capabilities even further.
Cluster computing (the networking of HPCs and other hardware into a single system) has tremendously improved the allocation of complex task to the appropriate system thus saving organizations time and money, some organizations are adding on-demand private cloud into the mix to realize even greater performance and cost saving, according to a recent post on Techredaction.com.
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For instance, Adaptive Computing Inc. has developed Moab, a cloud management platform which schedules tasks intelligently over a cluster or grid.
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Frankly speaking on high-performance computing
Moab’s strength lies working within define limits and allocating tasks to the most appropriate systems that can handle them whether the task involves thousands of small jobs or a single large one.
Adaptive is now partnering with supercomputer manufacturing firm Cray Inc. to provide Moab to a research institute in Germany.