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HP plots a course for SOA

Sydney played host to HP’s inaugural Asia-Pacific software forum last month where the company revealed its roadmap for its OpenView management suite, with a big emphasis on service-oriented architectures and integration.

During his keynote address in Sydney, vice-president and general manager of HP’s OpenView business unit, Todd DeLaughter was bullish about the unit’s 20 per cent year-on-year growth and profitability as of late last year.

While HP has acquired eight companies over the past two years, DeLaughter said OpenView has not strayed from its core competencies of helping businesses adapt better to change, and “keeping the right services up and running”.

“Building a services oriented business is lost if you can’t keep the systems up [and] this has been our focus,” he said. “OpenView business process insight is in its second generation. It looks at business processes and then maps the underlying IT infrastructure [and] how the business will be impacted if a process fails. There’s more out-of-the-box service metrics.”

If interest is any measure of how OpenView is competing against rivals like CA and IBM, OpenView’s future looks bright as HP is claiming 750 attendees from 22 countries turned out for the event.

DeLaughter declared OpenView’s dashboard as “unique” in the market because it allows 360-degree, real-time views of the IT organization and “connectors and technology to look end-to-end”.

OpenView’s Active configuration management database (CMDB) — where all the product’s change and management is driven — is receiving its fair share of the annual US$111 million R&D spend.

“The roadmap for Active CMDB moves the bar to the next level,” DeLaughter said. “It brings capability to do active reconciliation and [will be] defined on an SOA which is the way forward to application integration. We will use it to integrate OpenView products.”

HP OpenView’s portfolio marketing manager, Bill Emmett said with about 3,000 customers using the existing CMDB, Active CMDB will enable “powerful and robust changes” around the CMDB and will centralize information around IT services management.

“We will build out Active CMDB with SOA-based integration [and] that distinguishes it from other approaches elsewhere in the industry.” OpenView is also expanding into identity management, which Emmett described as “the last approach to automation”. “It’s about creating and managing IDs to give people the right access to the right information,” he said, adding that increased federation capabilities are also being developed.

“We will integrate SOA manager into OpenView products to drive more management capabilities closer to the infrastructure itself.”

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