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Hashtag Trending – Court slaps Uber on the wrist; Research highlights WFH’s popularity; Adobe Flash’s goodbye

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A Massachusetts Court says Uber can’t hold users to terms they probably didn’t read, nearly 30 per cent of people would quit their job if forced to go back to the office, and our final goodbye to Adobe Flash.

It’s all the tech news that’s popular right now. Welcome to Hashtag Trending! It’s Thursday, January 7, and I’m your host Baneet Braich.

A Massachusetts Court has made it crystal clear: Uber can’t hold users to terms they probably didn’t read. It’s not enough to just say “by creating an Uber account, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.” Users could by choice click to view on a link to view these legal documents, but the app didn’t require users to do so. At no point are users required to click an “I agree” button. This ruling opens a lot of conversation to other tech companies regarding one-sided terms of service on users without providing clear notice that they were doing so. During the case the appeal was filed based on the fact that blind Uber user had never agreed to arbitration in the first place. The court agreed that merely mentioning terms and conditions on a registration page wasn’t sufficient to create a binding contract between the driver and Uber.


Would you quit your job if you were told you had to go back into the office? A new survey finds that 30% of working professionals would do just that if they had to return to office after the pandemic. With the vaccines coming in, many companies are planning on asking employees to come back to the office. However, employers might want to think twice. A new survey of 1,022 professionals by LiveCareer, an online resume and job search consulting service says 29 per cent of employees would quit. Overall employees are expecting to work with more flexibility. Maybe we can expect some hybrid approaches too. We’ll just have to wait and see.


And finally, we say goodbye to Adobe Flash. The browser plug-in has officially reached the end of its life. Flash became available in 1996 to help facilitate the streaming of videos online. It was also a game-changer when it came to games, character designs, animations, and more. But security problems eventually tired Flash out. It also failed to support the Smartphone Era. So long Adobe Flash we thank you for the amount of content you made available and for the good times in the computer lab during elementary school. [LinkedIn]

That’s all the tech news that’s trending right now. Hashtag Trending is a part of the ITWC Podcast network. Add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing or your Google Home daily briefing. And remember, during the rest of this week, we want you to tell us what you think was last year’s biggest Canadian tech story. Let us know on Twitter @ITWorldCa, or leave a comment on the show notes for this episode at Respondents will be entered into a draw for a chance to win an IT World Canada mug! I’m Baneet Braich, thanks for listening!

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