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Hashtag Trending – $52,000 Mac Pro, self-driving commercial truck, Beijing replaces foreign tech

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Twitter goes nuts over the new Mac Pro’s price tag, A self-driving truck delivered butter from California to Pennsylvania in three days, and the Chinese government wants to get rid of all of its foreign computers and software.

The cheese grater is back in the news this week. Apple’s most expensive Mac Pro costs about the same as a new Corvette. The workstation is available starting at nearly CA$8,000, but what’s got Twitter up in arms is the cost of upgrades: It costs an additional $9,200 to get the vaunted 28-core 2.5GHz Xeon, and a whopping $33,000 to equip the machine with 1.5TB of RAM. Throw in some additional processing power and accelerator cards, and you’re looking at a price tag of roughly $70,000. The screen costs extra – $7,000 extra. Naturally people took to Twitter to complain, but some users pointed out how this machine is for heavy-duty developers and people rendering hours worth of video on a near-daily basis. While this may be true, the infamous $1,000 stand is pretty outrageous.

A Reddit post about a self-driving truck delivering butter from California to Pennsylvania in three days – without any issues – is getting a lot of attention. The story linked to the post says the trip is the first commercial freight cross-country trip by an autonomous truck. The autonomous capabilities were supplied by a Silicon Valley startup. There was a single safety driver and engineer on board to make sure nothing went horribly wrong. And luckily, nothing did during the 2,800-mile long trip.

And lastly, the Chinese government has given government offices three years to remove all foreign computers and software as part of a larger effort to increase the country’s reliance on home-made technology. Fortune says more than 20 million computers, including hardware from HP, Dell, and Microsoft. The story points out how American tech companies make an estimated $150 billion in annual revenues from China.

That’s all the tech news that’s trending right now. Hashtag Trending is a part of the ITWC Podcast network. Add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing or your Google Home daily briefing.

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