Paying the security tax. Answering to Dr. No. Submitting to the control centre. If you’ve ever been responsible for running IT security at a business, these will all sound familiar – too familiar.
But there’s another way to look at security, says Earl Perkins, a research vice-president in the Internet of Things group at Gartner. Presenting at the research firm`s symposium in October, he spoke of cybersecurity trends to look out for in the year ahead. He also had some helpful advice on how to frame cybersecurity as a benefit to your organization, rather than be viewed as a hindrance.
“We’ve been playing a poker game for decades,” Perkins says. “We’ve been betting just enough chips on security and now we’re hoping the hand we hold will be enough to win.”
Rather than hope the next card off the top turns a weak hand into a flush, security chiefs should take heed of these seven trends and plan accordingly:
1. Seeking the balance of risk and resilience
As organizations have a growing need to move quickly and adopt new technology, security has to stop managing risk and start building resilience, Perkins says. It’s not about abandoning risk management, but balancing it with the needs the business has to create value.
“Security doesn’t have to be a Dr. No kind of thing,” Perkins says.
Rethinking security’s approach in this way will require defining a new mission. You’ll also have to develop a new risk formula capable of handling new variables and factors. Then communicate this new approach and mission to employees.
Soon enough, soon you’ll be seen in a different light.
2. Security disciplines converge while skills expand

The definition of cybersecurity is expanding and chief security officers may find their job requirements are creeping up as a result. In addition to the legacy IT systems to protect, more operational technology (OT) is seeing IT systems embedded with the Internet of Things trend. Similarly, physical security systems such as video surveillance are connected and rely on IT systems.
And Perkins has bad news for CSOs: “If it fails, it’s already your fault.”
You’ll have to assess what new skill sets are needed on your security team to meet all these new demands. They’ll likely include roles responsible for identity management, embedded security, and cyber-physical security automation.
Don’t hesitate to invest in training for your current team, or even build up security skills development within your company’s lines of business. Know where the gaps are and how you plan to fill them – eventually.
3. Secure digital supply chain needs grow
Just because software as a service is now off-loading some application delivery on the IT department’s behalf, that doesn’t mean the job of the chief security officer is also done. Rather, a confusing mish-mash of considerations must be made about how to handle a user and the device before and after accessing these new cloud services. Once cloud apps start integrating with internal systems, it really gets interesting.

The response to this problem so far has been developing management consoles that are multi-cloud and multifunction, Perkins says. As those consoles evolve, they will also help manage security based on a user’s need and priority standing.
“I want you to implement and enforce different types of policies based on use,” Perkins says. CSOs should also have an enterprise-wide public cloud strategy, implement solutions that solve cloud complexity, and have a governance approach that matches cloud life cycle.
4. Adaptive security architecture embraced
“Our hope is you’ll reach a point where you create a security architecture where you prevent everything that you could reasonably be expected to prevent,” Perkins says. After that, you’ll need to respond to the ones you missed in an effective way and catch the others you’ll never detect with predictive security.
“Detection and response is a lot like going to the barn and seeing the door open and realizing the horse has escaped,” he says. “Predictive would allow us to know the horse is acting kind of funny and we need to be ready.”
The technical version of keeping the horse in the barn involves a commitment to software define architectures, dividing a control pane of applications and APIs from your data plane. Your security team should be preventing attacks by isolating systems in this way, and when an incident is detected, the risk needs to be confirmed.
From a budget point of view, shift spending from prevention to detection and response, as well as predictive capabilities. From a conceptual point of view, operate like a security operations centre that is in continuous response mode.
5. Security infrastructure adapts
The number of code libraries being used by your organization is only growing and they are all aging. Security checks need to be run on these code sets often, not just when they are deployed. So security application testing has to be embedded into the lifecycle of these repositories.
As organizations create a pervasive digital presence through always-connected devices, sensors, actuators, and other IoT gear, network security concerns will grow.
“Wi-Fi is not the answer to doing the Internet of Things,” Perkins says. While your gateways will still talk with IP and Wi-Fi devices, there will be strange new elements more familiar to those with OT (operational technology) skill sets. Make sure to talk with those experience with OT in your organization.
Many organizations will want to invest in discovery solutions just to find IoT devices within their organization. Also key to managing network security will be setting up segmented network portions, and designating trust zones.
6. Data security governance and flow arrives
“You’re going to have introduced to you different kinds of data flows,” Perkins says. “Some of it will look familiar and some won’t look familiar at all.”
To continue to ensure that you can properly audit and protect your data, you’ll have to profile it by its flow type. To start with – is it structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data? In line with your software-defined strategy, create a boundary between your data and its destinations.
CSOs will want to incorporate big data plans into their security strategies to keep pace. Priorities should be placed on organization-wide data security governance and policy.
7. Digital business drives digital security
Thanks to IoT, “there is a pervasive digital presence,” Perkins says. “Once you network this presence, it substantively alters the risk for your business.”
Digital security is the next wave in cybersecurity and it involves getting a grip on this pervasive presence. Risks include espionage and fraud, sabotage of automated devices, device impersonation and counterfeiting, and beyond.