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Galigeo integrates BI, location, CRM

Galigeo Solutions, a geo marketing tool provider is integrating business intelligence, with customer relations management features into a product that aims to improve sales, lead generation and routing assignments for businesses.

The Galigeo-for-CRM advanced location intelligence software connects directly to enterprise applications, maps large scale data sets and applies spatial processing to provide better data visualization, reporting and predictive analytics.


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Galigeo hopes to tap into a growing market. According to the customer relations management focused publication,, 61 per cent of companies indicate that location intelligence is critical in improving business process and performance. Another 65 per cent said location intelligence is vital ins maximizing value of customer information.

Location intelligence aims to provide proximity and geographical data to sales and service processes. By integrating IBM’s Cognos and SAP’s Business Objects, Galigeo is taking the basics of geo location and coupling it with valuable data inside a company’s line-of-business applications.

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