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#FollowFriday: Encryption edition

Every Follow Friday, we round up a list of people with active Twitter accounts, ones that we feel are worth a click on the ‘follow’ button.

This week, we’re focusing on experts in encryption and information security, following up on our Twitter chat this week on how businesses can use encryption to safeguard their data. We heard some great insights from chat participants, some of which is produced here.


Claudiu Popa, president and CEO of Informatica Corp. As the head of Informatica Corp., Popa regularly blogs and writes about risks to security. He has advised his clients on best practices in security for more than 20 years. Popa is also the founder behind the website, which aims to advise Canadians on how to deal with the Heartbleed vulnerability that recently made international headlines. He tweets on major data breaches, as well as the latest news in information security. Read his latest blog post on Heartbleed here.  

Brad Haines, director of

As a security consultant for multiple clients, Haines does security consulting for clients on several different areas, including system administration and wireless networks. He is also a regular speaker on the cybersecurity circuit, having addressed attendees at SecTor, one of Canada’s biggest security conferences. Haines tweets about his own discoveries, as well as about other figures in the security industry.


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