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Explore all the changes in Canadian financial services security in a single day

Financial services is at a crossroads right now. One of the main challenges facing professionals in this industry is around moving to the future from the legacy they have today. But doing so is easier said than done, and with only 30 per cent of finance transformations delivering on the forecasted benefits to the business, the path to the future is far from certain.

Like all industries, finance is dealing with, and in the process trying to best leverage on, new technologies. All the while, personalized digital interactions is fast becoming the baseline expectation of customers – a kind of “entry fee” paid by companies that are committed to their customers.

The customer in 2020 is not the customer from 2010. Customer expectations are changing daily, and this is creating a business imperative to transform digital experiences. Consumers expect their dealings with financial services companies to be based on intelligent insight formed over time, with engagements being timely, personalized, and always in the proper context.

While managing all these shifts is challenging enough for organizations, there is also the security factor to consider. As more and more data is collected on each customer, companies must prove themselves – and keep proving themselves – trustworthy, smart about threats, and proactive about keeping data safe from bad actors.

Canadian financial services organizations will be gathering in number on March 24th for a summit called “Securing the Complete Digital Customer Journey.” This full-day gathering will bring together industry professionals who are facing similar digital-era challenges for a lively exchange of ideas and plans for future action.

Among the topics covered over the course of the day:

Attendees will come away from this experience with a better idea of how to proceed in an increasingly fast-paced digital economy. This will be a great learning opportunity as well as an excellent chance to network with friends and peers.

Reserve your spot now

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