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Execs packing shorts, sandals and laptops

A British Computer Society (BCS) survey has found that over 20 per cent of UK executives plan to take their laptops with them when they go on holiday this year. Of these 15 per cent are taking a computer to stay in touch with the office, while a further eight per cent want to get online to e-mail friends and search for local information.

While the latter group’s reasons might make sense, the former represent the ever increasing trend towards workaholism in the UK. They plan to spend up to 14 hours working on their notebook while away – an hour a day on a two week holiday.

Findings from the BCS survey show that those who did take their work away with them came back more energized and refreshed, knowing they wouldn’t have to wade through hundreds of e-mails on their return.

If you are one of this growing breed, BCS has some tips to keep your notebook safe and functioning while abroad:

• Make sure your notebook is insured by your company or personal policy.

• Don’t forget spare batteries or a suitable mains charger.

• Keep your laptop in its carry case when not in use. Don’t check it in as luggage on the plane.

• Ensure you have password protection activated.

• Use it discreetly when in public, as laptop theft is on the rise.

• Don’t store sensitive data such as passwords or bank details on your notebook.

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