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Dell buys software licence management firm

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Dell Inc. has agreed to acquire ASAP Software Inc. in a move to meet demand from large customers for tools and services that help manage their software assets.

Under the agreement announced Thursday, Dell will pay around US$340 million for ASAP, which sells products for managing software licensing, purchasing, renewals, and compliance.

The deal will help the U.S. computer maker enhance its offerings to large companies and government organizations with tools they can use to manage their IT systems and monitor usage in an effort to reduce costs and complexity, Dell said.

ASAP employes around 600 people, with sales offices in North America and Europe. Dell expects to close the acquisition in the third quarter, subject to regulatory approvals.

ASAP’s tools include a module for monitoring software usage. The products helps IT managers to track how often applications are used and determine whether money is being well spent on licenses and maintenance services.

Another tool provides detailed reports of a company’s systems and software applications, including license compliance notices. The software views the configuration of PCs and servers, and also takes an inventory of all the IT systems used across an organization.

Dell has not been known for growing by acquisition but has recently started to step up its purchases of other firms. Last months it acquired Silverback Technologies, a company that provides a platform for remotely monitoring and managing IP infrastructure.

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