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CWC THIS WEEK: What’s wrong with the PlayBook?

Our video roundup this week includes:
THE ARGUMENT: RIM’S PLAYBOOK Why did Research in Motion’s new tablet get such a rough ride from reviewers? ComputerWorld Canada senior writer Rafael Ruffolo calls it “unfinished,” while editor Dave Webb defends its lack of native e-mail client.
COMPUTERWORLD WestJet Airlines Ltd.’s enterprise architect, Bill Souliere, recounts his company’s approach to services-oriented architecture and the very surprising hurdle they faced in terms of governance of services. Here’s how they resolved it. With ComputerWorld Canada’s Kathleen Lau.
WHY THE NEXT SPECTRUM AUCTION MATTERS At a communications conference this month, a lawyer, a consultant and a wireless carrier executive spoke about the importance of the upcoming 700 Mhz spectrum auction. With Network World Canada assistant editor Howard Solomon.
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