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Our video roundup of our Lac Carling conference, which brings together IT leaders from all levels of government:
CONSUMERIZATION OF IT CIOs at the Regional Municipality of York and TD Bank discuss the Bring-Your-Own-Technology trend.
NOVA SCOTIA REVAMPS ‘LIFE SERVICES’ Vanessa Choulnard, the manager of citizen service integration at Services Nova Scotia, speaks about the province’s latest project.
BELGIUM’S IT MINISTRY ON ELECTRONIC ID CARDS Frank Leyman talks with CIO Canada following his keynote at the 2011 Lac Carling Congress on the rationale behind the country’s eIDs and how he hopes to extend their use across the European Union.
RBC’s INNOVATION CHIEF The bank’s head of innovation, Avi Pollock, speaks with IT World Canada about recruiting and social media.
B.C. FLOCKS TO TWITTER, FACEBOOK Tanya Twynstra with British Columbia’s Ministry of Citizen Services talks social networking.
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