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Cisco sets up research lab in Hanoi

Cisco Systems Inc. has teamed up with Hanoi University of Technology (HUT) to open a research and development (R&D) lab in Vietnam, the company said Friday.

The Networking R&D Lab is backed by Cisco’s University Research Program and will be run by HUT’s Bach Khoa Networking Academy, a training center for network managers also established by Cisco. The lab’s goal is to further collaboration between researchers at HUT and other universities and research organizations, Cisco said.

Cisco’s University Research Program will fund research at the lab by soliciting research proposals that are subjected to a system of peer review. The company will provide research grants for those proposals that are approved through this process.

While the R&D lab will give Vietnamese researchers more exposure and give them access to more advanced technology, Cisco also stands to benefit. Technology developed by the lab may find its way into Cisco products, the company said.

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