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Can Canada use the cloud as a competitive advantage?

If cloud computing can boost the competitive metabolism of Canadian organizations, how will it potentially have an impact on our global reputation?
As Canada’s place in worldwide rankings on competitiveness drop, we created the CIO Canada Debate to look at hot technologies as an instrument for redefining the country’s position. According to those we interviewed on camera, cloud computing could create a mass of more agile players, particularly at the small and medium-sized business level.
“There’s a lot of organizations who want to break into the Canadian market, and all of a sudden they have a presence everywhere,” said Carlos Silva, IT director at Ontario’s Clean Water Agency.  “Also the cost of running infrastructure should be significantly less.”
David Rea, senior vice-president of Innovapost, was even more optimistic. “It’s my heart-felt belief that (cloud computing) will vault us into being one of the leading nations in the world,” he said. To find out his two reasons why, watch the clip below.

See the entire five-part episode: The CIO Canada Debate
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