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Bridging the issues in PKI

One of the biggest challenges facing governments attempting to foster confidence in the online environment is ensuring that online communications are secure. One of the foundations of online security is the development and implementation of an adequate public key infrastructure (PKI).

PKIs support the applications that encrypt data and that use digital signatures (that is, the means of associating electronic documents with specific individuals or entities) encoded in digital certificates. PKIs are based on principles associated with public key cryptography (PKC). More specifically, a twin pair of keys is created: one key is private, the other public. Although neither key can be derived from the other, a message encrypted by one key can only be decrypted by the other. Thus, one key can be kept private and under the custody of the person to whom it belongs and the other key is made public. Often, but not always, the keys are interchangeable.

A certification authority (CA) is a third party trusted to associate a public and private key pair with a particular individual or entity. It identifies the individual or entity which is to receive a key pair, issues keys, revokes keys when necessary, and provides notice of those key pairs which have been revoked.

A certificate policy (CP) is a named set of rules that indicates the applicability of a certificate to a particular community and/or class of application with common security requirements.

Governments are now focused on citizen-centred service delivery. Projects and service delivery must be managed horizontally across departmental and even government boundaries. Accordingly, PKIs must be interoperable; participating organizations must be able to rely on public key certificates issued by other CAs. This raises a number of legal issues. Appendix C to the Policy onPublic Key Infrastructure Management in the Government of Canada (PKI Policy) serves as a useful checklist of some of the issues that must be addressed in cross-certification arrangements. These issues include:

The cross-certification process is time consuming and expensive. One way of dealing with this complexity would involve the creation of a bridge CA for all orders of Canadian government and other participating organizations. Such a bridge would be a non-hierarchical hub designed to permit different agencies’ PKIs to interoperate seamlessly. Another possible approach is the creation of a national CA. The adoption of a national solution would involve the resolution of additional complex interjurisdictional legal and policy issues.

A more detailed discussion of PKI and cross-certification issues is provided by Rhonda Lazarus in ” Government of Canada’s Legal and Policy Framework for Government On-line“, Proceedings of 6 th Annual Conference of the Canadian IT Law Association held in Ottawa on October 3 and 4, 2002.

Christian (Chris) S. Tacit, is the Practice Group Leader of the Technology Law Practice Group at Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP. He may be reached at

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