Starting today, users can download the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10, Research in Motion’s latest enterprise mobility management software designed to handle BlackBerry devices and non-RIM mobile devices as well as the applications that run on them.

BES 10 supports the BlackBerry Balance technology which separates and secures work applications and data from personal content on BlackBerry devices, making it ideal for organizations with or planning to implement BYOD (bring your own device) policies in the workplace
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“BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 empowers employees to be more productive and better equipped to serve customers while it provides business and IT leaders with the confidence that corporate data is protected and manageable in the same way they have long enjoyed with BlackBerry,” said Peter Devenyi, senior vice-president, enetrprise software at RIM, in a statement today.
Key features of the service are:
-Support for secure separation of work and personal applications and data
on BlackBerry 10 smartphones through BlackBerry Balance technology
-Support for seamless and secure access to work email, content and secure
connectivity to “behind the firewall” applications and data
BlackBerry 10 smartphones that allows administrators to push and install the
organization’s mandatory apps to both corporate and personal-owned
devices and publish recommended apps to employees
-Management controls for securing and managing work profiles including hierarchical group management with Active Directory integration and support for customizable administrative roles
This BlackBerry 10 specific feature, he said, enables IT administrators to create a catalogue of applications within a secure company server and “white list” a host of apps for a catalogue that can be accessed publicly.
Using this method, users can actually have two instances of the same application with different settings, said Holern For example users can have the cloud storage application Dropbox on the “personal side” of the BB 10 and another instance of the app in the “work side” of their smart phone.
“This enables IT administrators to protect the enterprise while giving BB10 owners an enhanced user experience,” said Holern.