With the number of network intrusions showing few signs of slacking off, organizations are looking at new ways of securing the enterprise. One is using self-encrypting hard drives.
It doesn’t help that the recent — and continuing — disclosures by former CIA and NSA contract worker turned whistleblower Edward Snowden, who revealed secret communications data gathering programs in the United States and Britain, have contributed to fears that governments may be assembling datasets for possible investigations.
So, as Serdar Yegulalp writes for Network Computing, self-encrypting hard drives are even more tempting.
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It’s not that this technology doesn’t belong in a security professional’s toolkit. But, he says, they should know why and when to use it.
He’s come up with six reasons why SEDs aren’t an automatic entry on your to-do list, including the fact that some products have problems.
Once study he quotes — done two years ago before the Snowden angst — notes that the single biggest reason for using SEDs at the time was for regulatory reasons, not to cut down on the risk of a data breach.
Worth considering.