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AltaVista searches inside the corporate firewall

AltaVista Co. announced two new enterprise search tools on Tuesday, designed to allow businesses to quickly search for information through their entire network, including e-mail accounts and personal computers.

The two search tools, AV Enterprise Search and AV Personal Search, run on the same search architecture as AltaVista Search Engine 3.0.

“The software search will index all of the information behind the corporate firewall. The software can search over 200 different file formats and recognize 30 different languages,” said AltaVista U.K. spokesman Robert Fredrickson.

The enterprise software is based on the same technology that already runs AltaVista’s Internet search engine, and marks the company’s move towards offering search products for consumers and businesses, Fredrickson said.

The software is expected to hit the market in early July, Fredrickson said.

In February, AltaVista, which is owned by Internet holding company CMGI Inc., announced it was closing down all its interactive community services to refocus the company on generating revenue through search software.

AltaVista, in Palo Alto, Calif., can be reached at CMGI, in Andover, Mass., can be reached at

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