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A few more tips for a successful career search

My previous column dealt with the lingering frustration felt by some IT professionals who, though highly skilled and experienced, are finding it challenging to locate a new position in today’s employment market. If you’re among those in the job hunt, consider whether you may be falling into these common job-search traps:

Your focus is too narrow. There is no shortage of brand-name companies in the IT world, and many job seekers would love to work for a large, well-known firm. But keep in mind that for every big company that exists, there are hundreds of smaller firms. In fact, the vast majority of companies in North America. are small or midsize, and, what’s more, they’re almost always hiring.

Recent research from the National Federation of Independent Business indicates that nearly one in four small business owners has one or more job openings. That group might range from a three-person bookstore in need of an electronic security system to a biotech startup searching for a half-dozen help desk professionals. And, unlike high-profile firms that can attract thousands of r

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