Paul Blamire
Leading edge online experience: • 15 years of management expertise encompassing IT, sales an..
Bradley Silver
CEO, Atomic Reach, real-time scoring engine that analyzes your content based on its quality and..
Ray Sharma
Ray is the founder and CEO of Extreme Venture Partners. EVP is a development venture firm, with..
Marcus Brubaker
Specialties: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Statistical Inference, Tracking, Human Pose Tra..
Ali Punjani
Since 2015 I've focused on algorithms and computational techniques for Electron Cryomicroscopy ..
Ariel Garten
Ariel Garten is the Founder of InteraXon, makers of Muse: the brain sensing headband. Muse is t..
Derek Luke
Derek Luke is the Chief Executive Officer of InteraXon. Derek is a business executive operat..
Nick Koudas
Nick is a co-founder and CEO at Aislelabs. Before Aislelabs, Nick co-founded Sysomos, a leading..
Nilesh Bansal
Nilesh is co-founder and CTO of Aislelabs and he leads the product development and engineering...