Author: Directory Staff

Meet the smart waste management devs who won NextAI’s Top Venture award

TORONTO – It already takes a special kind of intelligence to design a waste disposal bin ..

NextAI’s first cohort shows how far Canada’s AI scene has come in past 12 months, co-chair says

TORONTO – The 15 companies that presented at startup-boosting non-profit Next Canada̵..

Salesforce adds AI-powered revenue forecasting to Sales Cloud Einstein Inc. wants to help salespeople and their managers take the guesswork out of reve..

Deep learning and AI can create different ethical issues

Washington D.C. – In its most basic form, artificial intelligence is an algorithm that i..

Don’t assume AI will automatically destroy jobs, Singularity University chair says

TORONTO – Outside of tech circles, responses to the growing capabilities of artificial in..

Using artificial intelligence to optimize the value of robotic process automation

For many enterprises, robotic process automation (RPA) has emerged as a best-fit alternate to m..

Why Canada is facing an AI brain drain – and what’s being done about it

TORONTO – When Tomi Poutanen co-founded the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence ..

IBM Watson serving game highlights at the US Open

The US Open is quickly becoming the high-tech star of the tennis world. In addition to becoming..

Hashtag Trending – IBM funding new AI lab, Toronto wants Amazon’s second headquarters

IBM is committing hundreds of millions to a new AI lab. Jaguar has become the latest car compan..

Hashtag Trending – Tech execs react to DACA repeal, Google hiring in China

Tech executives speak out against Donald Trump’s move to end DACA, Google is hiring artificia..

The Business Leadership Podcast: Farhan Thawar, CTO & Co-founder at Helpful

Farhan Thawar is the CTO and Co-Founder of a  Most recently he was the CTO, Mobil..

Taking the hype out of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is all the rage in IT these days, with vendors rushing out new products..