A surprising number of people dropped by InterGovWorld.com for avisit last week, and the length of their stays suggests we couldreally be on to something here.
Content breadth was paramount to the editorial team for weeksleading up to the launch, and we think we endeavored to puttogether a site that has something for everyone.
So the rest is gravy.
Well, not exactly. We were very happy with week one, but whowould we be to slack off now?
Sure, we had visitors from interesting locations like the UnitedArab Emirates, Algeria and Turkey, but Canadian clickers massivelyovershadowed them. And really, that’s the most importantdemographic we need to serve.
As we start week two we will be content focused – ramming andjamming InterGovWorld.com with quality information and resourcesfor our community.
If there is something in particular you would like to see moreof, or less of, give me a jingle and I’ll get right on it.
Also, look for the debut edition of the InterGovWorld.com WeeklyNews Roundup in you inbox Monday. If you are not currently signedup to receive it, or any of our other newsletters, click on “Freee-newsletters” on InterGovWorld.com’s main page – it just takes asecond.