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2010 ComputerWorld Canada salary survey

We are calling on readers from ComputerWorld Canada, Network World Canada, CIO Canada and Direction Informatique; and, visitors to to participate in this year’s Salary Survey.
To take the survey, go to this site.
In addition to receiving an advance copy of summary results, you will be entered into a draw to win a $250 Gift Card from Best Buy!

Your information will help us establish a reliable benchmark of compensation for Canadian IT professionals and to examine differences by job title among different industry, company size and regional segments.

We will be able to examine and assess the factors that affect job satisfaction and retention. As well, we can determine the anticipated requirements of hiring managers and identify the level of competition for IT professionals and areas of potential skills shortage. Please be assured your answers are completely confidential. Salary Results will be used to help build ComputerWorld’s 2010 Salary Calculator. Fine tune your IT salary negotiations with the most accurate wage information matched to your exact job profile and region.

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