In the private sector, every successful company has matured into a technology-centric organization; and inevitably, every propitious city will be compelled to embark upon a similar evolutionary trajectory.
Montreal has a $50 million more budget to put towards its smart city plan today.
Infrastructure Canada today announced the winners of its Smart Cities...
There's been a lot of negative talk about smart cities lately, noted Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) Brian Beamish, so it's easy to...
Jessie Adcock was a finalist for CanadianCIO of the Year for her success in executing on a four-year plan to upgrade Vancouver's smart cities capabilities.
This Canadian telematics firm has harnessed cloud services to create a realtime data service for its fleet customers and is launching a new smart cities service as well.
The June 2018 issue of Municipal Interface is all about digital transformation through mobility, whether it's choosing vendors to collaborate with, ideas for creative hardware applications, or case studies in mobility as a smart cities platform.