Meet blogger Stephen Ibaraki

I am looking forward to blogging periodically and welcome your comments, valued insights and input.

I started as a geek, turned educator then social entrepreneur donating time to support society, the ICT industry, education and the ICT profession. Some of this is captured in the story by IT Business staff for the Computing Canada’s IT Leadership Awards.

After leaving teaching in 2005, which is/was my greatest passion, I divide my time into three full-time areas:

– supporting ICT-related non-profits, education and governments;

– writing, participating at international conferences and in research including interviewing global experts;

– enabling innovation and investments, foundations, startups, accelerators/incubators.

As an example, here’s a blog about my experiences where I spoke at the Astana Economic Forum ASTEX 2013, the largest in Eurasia. As a writing example, there are three articles on professionalism for the University of Toronto. The articles were for the 40th Anniversary celebration of Kelly Gotlieb and Allan Borodin’s seminal book, Social Issues in Computing.

Upcoming blog themes are: career tips, professionalism events and trends, ICT trends/hot topics, opinions on interviews I conduct, spotlight on pioneers such as Kelly Gotlieb, insights from conferences, international best practices, innovation and startups.

Influencing the blog topics will be lessons gained from over 20 affiliations and roles I have and more than 500 interviews conducted since the late 1980s’. A few roles are listed here:

CIPS (Canada’s association of IT professionals and Canadian representative to the UNESCO-founded International Federation for Information Processing or IFIP); advisor/member executive committee

IFIP IP3 (IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership); board vice-chair

IFIP IP3 GIC (Global Industry Council); founding chair

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery); member practitioner board and chair professional development committee (includes webinar committee and professionalism and certification committee)

FEAPO (Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations); board member and chair advocacy committee

NPA (Network Professional Association); board member

GITCA (Global IT Community Association); advisor, past founding international board chair

– SECTOR (Security Education Conference Toronto); advisory committee

– McKinsey Quarterly Executive Panel; member

IT Manager Connection; founding co-host

– LinkedIn Forums (CIO, CTO, Chair,…); member

Shortly I am off to PoznanPoland for the IFIP General Assembly, IFIP IP3 AGM and board meeting, then New York for brainstorming at the ACM Practitioner Board meeting. Following a short stint in Vancouver and I am off again to New York where I am chairing the ACM Practitioner Board Professional Development Committee meeting. When I get back in late October I will have much to share with you.

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Jim Love, Chief Content Officer, IT World Canada
Stephen Ibaraki
Stephen Ibaraki
Stephen Ibaraki Chairman and Managing General Partner REDDS Capital, Founder chair outreach UN ITU AI for good Global Summit. Globally unique with Chairman, Founder, Board roles in: Business/finance, successful Entrepreneurship / startups / investments / VC, no.1 global Science orgs, UN innovation progs, top CEO Industry-orgs/think tanks, no.1 Summits (acronym BE-SUNIS). 300+ global engagements impacting $100+ Trillion in sustainable investments. For more information see Ibaraki's official CIPS Fellows profile: --- For Microsoft Awards profile: ----- For a personal profile see Ibaraki's LinkedIn profile:

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